Have you ever made a decision in the heat of the moment—driven by anger, fear, or frustration—only to regret it later? That’s emotional hijacking at work. Chapter 4 of Stop Sabotaging Your Best Life explores how powerful emotions can take control, clouding judgment and leading us away from decisions aligned with our goals.

The good news is, that emotional hijacking doesn’t have to be a life sentence. By understanding the signs and learning strategies to manage strong emotions, you can regain control and make choices that serve your highest self. Here’s a quick snapshot of the tools this chapter offers:

  1. Recognize the Warning Signs: Strong emotions like anger or fear often cause physical reactions—racing heartbeat, tension, or shallow breathing. These signals are your body’s way of telling you to pause before acting.
  2. Pause and Breathe: Sometimes, all it takes is a few deep breaths to calm your mind. A brief pause can make the difference between a reaction you regret and a response you’re proud of.
  3. Ask the Right Questions: To break free from emotional impulses, ask yourself, “Is this decision helping or harming my long-term goals?” This shift to rational thinking puts your values back in charge.
  4. Revisit Your Core Values: When emotions are running high, grounding yourself in your values helps you stay aligned with the person you want to be.
  5. Embrace Emotional Awareness: By regularly checking in with your emotions, you build the habit of understanding and managing them before they take over.

Remember, emotions are natural and even helpful when understood as guides rather than obstacles. With practice, you can turn emotional moments into opportunities for clarity and growth.

Available on Amazon: Stop Sabotaging Your Best Life: The Art of Mastering Fear and Uncertainty